Carnelian AIF Strategies
Structural Shift Fund
Carnelian Structural Shift Fund is a long only, multi-cap thematic fund designed to capture
two structural decadal shifts presenting large wealth creation opportunity in
Manufacturing led by conducive regulatory and global environment (China +1/ Atma Nirbhar)
Tech evolution empowered by digital & SAAS platform with Indian companies at the forefront
This fund is designed to invest in both listed and unlisted companies in the Manufacturing and Technology sectors with existing core competence/niche capability along with proven leadership, strong Balance Sheet, governance and return ratios through our proprietary MCO Framework. Our unique forensic framework CLEAR deep dives into all the aspects of risks thereby helping us avoid accidents of investing in companies with dubious intent and misplaced objects.
We foresee a ~USD 500 bn manufacturing opportunity and ~USD 90 bn digital opportunity over the next 5 years as a first order effect with second and third order effects yet to follow.